
Development and usability of a feedback tool,“My Personal Brain Health Dashboard”, to improve setting of self-management goals among people living with HIV in Canada

Maryam Mozafarinia, Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Marie-Josee Brouillette, Lesley K Fellows, Nancy E Mayo

Quality of Life Research, Springer, 2020, pp. 1--13

Exploring the Design of Patient-Generated Data Visualizations

Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Charles Perin, Lora Oehlberg, Sheelagh Carpendale

Graphics Interface, ACM, Toronto, Canada,, 2020 May 20

Effectiveness of a personalized health profile on specificity of self-management goals among people living with HIV in Canada: a protocol for a blinded pragmatic randomized controlled trial

Maryam Mozafarinia, Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Marie-Josée Brouillette, Lesley Fellows, Bärbel Knäuper, Nancy E. Mayo

MNI Open Research, vol. 4, 2020 Apr 12

Opioid versus opioid-free analgesia after surgical discharge: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Charbel El-Kefraoui, Ghadeer Olleik, Marc-Aurele Chay, Araz Kouyoumdjian, Philip Nguyen-Powanda, Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Uyen Do, Alexa Derksen, Tara Landry, Alexandre Amar-Zifkin, Agnihotram V. Ramanakumar, Marc-Olivier Martel, Gabriele Baldini, Liane Feldman, Julio F Fiore

BMJ Open, vol. 10(1), 2020 Jan 1

The Challenges of Individuality to Technology Approaches to Personally Collected Health Data

Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Charles Perin, Lora Oehlberg, Sheelagh Carpendale

PervasiveHealth '17, Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2017, pp. 448--451

Differences That Matter: In-clinic Communication Challenges

Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Charles Perin, Jo Vermeulen, Haley MacLeod, Diane Gromala, Sheelagh Carpendale

PervasiveHealth '17, Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2017, pp. 251--260

Designing and Developing Technologies to Facilitate Clinician-Patient Communication

Fateme Rajabiyazdi

ISS Companion '16, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Companion on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2016, pp. 19--24

Assessing the Readability of Stacked Graphs

Alice Thudt, Jagoda Walny, Charles Perin, Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Lindsay MacDonald, Riane Vardeleon, Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale

GI'16, Graphics Interface, 2016 Apr 31, pp. 167-174

Understanding Researchers' Use of a Large, High-Resolution Display Across Disciplines

Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Jagoda Walny, Carrie Mah, John Brosz, Sheelagh Carpendale

ITS'15, Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 2015 Oct 14, pp. 107-116

WESt: Visualizing non-Emergency Surgery Waiting Times

Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Charles Perin, Sheelagh Carpendale

IEEE VIS 2015 Electronic Conference Proceedings, 2015 Sep 24

Hand Grip Strength on a Large PDA: Holding While Reading Is Different from a Functional Task

Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Tom Gedeon

CISIS '12, Proceedings of the 2012 Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 2012, pp. 475--480

Comparing User Performance on an iPad to a 17-inch BackPad

Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Tom Gedeon

2012 Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2012 Jul, pp. 469-474


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